Q.21 What is the full form of NCERT?
(a) National Corporation of Educational Research and Training
(b) National Council of Education Research and Training
(c) National Council of Educational Research and Training
(d) None of the above
Q.22 What is the full form of NEDFi?
(a) North East Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
(b) North Eastern Development Financial Corporation Ltd.
(c) North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
(d) None of the above
Q.23 What is the full form of NEEPCO?
(a) North East Electric Power Corporation Limited
(b) North Eastern Electrical Power Corporation Limited
(c) North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
(d) None of the above
Q.24 What is the full form of ABSU?
(a) AIl Bodo Students’ United
(b) AIl Bodo Students’ Union
(c) AIl Bodo Science Union
(d) None of the above
Q.25 What is the full form of AEC?
(a) Assam Engineers College
(b) Assam Engineering College
(c) Assam Engineering Community
(d) None of the above
Q.26 What is the full form of GUCDOE?
(a) Gauhati University Centre for District and Online Education
(b) Gauhati University Centre for Distance and Offline Education
(c) Gauhati University Centre for Distance and Online Education
(d) None of the above
Q.27 What is the full form of IDOL?
(a) Institution Distance and Open Learning
(b) Institute Distance and Online Learning
(c) Institute Distance and Open Learning
(d) None of the above
Q.28 What is the full form of ASDMA?
(a) Assam State Distress Management Authority
(b) Assam State Disaster Management Authority
(c) Assam State Disaster Management Affairs
(d) None of the above
Q.29 What is the full form of APCC?
(a) Assam Pradesh Congress Committee
(b) Assam Pradesh Congress Community
(c) Assam Pradesh Congress Centre
(d) None of the above
Q.30 What is the full form of APDCL?
(a) Assam Property Distribution Company Limited
(b) Assam Power Distribution Company Limited
(c) Assam Power Distributory Company Limited
(d) None of the above
Q.31 What is the full form of AEGCL?
(a) Assam Electric Grid Corporation Limited
(b) Assam Electricity Grid Company Limited
(c) Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited
(d) None of the above
Q.32 What is the full form of APGCL?
(a) Assam Power Group Corporation Limited
(b) Assam Power Generator Corporation Limited
(c) Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited
(d) None of the above
Q.33 What is the full form of AKRSU?
(a) Assam Koch-Rajbonshi Students’ Union
(b) All Koch-Rajbonshi Students’ Union
(c) All Koch-Rajbonshi Students’ United
(d) None of the above
Q.34 What is the full form of AMCH?
(a) Assam Medicine College Hospital
(b) Assam Medical College Hospital
(c) Assam Medicinal College Hospital
(d) None of the above
Q.35 What is the full form of AIDC?
(a) Assam Industries Development Corporation
(b) Assam Industry Development Corporation
(c) Assam Industrial Development Corporation
(d) None of the above
Q.36 What is the full form of PWD?
(a) Public Welfare Department
(b) Public Works Department
(c) Public Workings Department
(d) None of the above
Q.37 What is the full form of SLET?
(a) State Level Eligible Test
(b) State Level Eligibility Test
(c) State Level Emission Test
(d) None of the above
Q.38 What is the full form of SITA?
(a) State Information and Transformation Aayog
(b) State Innovation and Transformation Aayog
(c) State Innovation and Transportation Aayog
(d) None of the above
Q.39 What is the full form of PTCA?
(a) Plain Tribes Council of Assam
(b) Plain Tribals Council of Assam
(c) Plain Tribunals Council of Assam
(d) None of the above
Q.40 What is the full form of NHM?
(a) Nation Health Mission
(b) Nationality Health Mission
(c) National Health Mission
(d) None of the above